I could really use some help with this, I made some modifications to the slideshow block that comes with Concrete5, but when I enable Caching I get this error.
Fatal error: View::render() [<a href='view.render'>view.render</a>]: The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition "TnSlideshowBlockController" of the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in /***/****/public_html/concrete/libraries/view.php on line 734
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
class TnSlideshowBlockController extends BlockController {
var $pobj;
protected $btTable = 'btTnSlideshow';
protected $btInterfaceWidth = "550";
protected $btInterfaceHeight = "400";
protected $btCacheBlockOutput = true;
protected $btCacheBlockOutputOnPost = true;
protected $btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers = true;
public $defaultDuration = 5;
public $defaultFadeDuration = 2;
public $playback = "ORDER";
* Used for localization. If we want to localize the name/description we have to include this
public function getBlockTypeDescription() {
return t("Display a running loop of images and thumbnails.");
public function getBlockTypeName() {
return t("tn3 Slideshow");
public function getJavaScriptStrings() {
return array(
'choose-file' => t('Choose Image/File'),
'choose-min-2' => t('Please choose at least two images.'),
'choose-fileset' => t('Please choose a file set.')
function getFileSetName(){
$sql = "SELECT fsName FROM FileSets WHERE fsID=".intval($this->fsID);
$db = Loader::db();
return $db->getOne($sql);
function loadFileSet(){
if (intval($this->fsID) < 1) {
return false;
$ak = FileAttributeKey::getByHandle('height');
$fs = FileSet::getByID($this->fsID);
$fileList = new FileList();
$files = $fileList->get(1000,0);
$image = array();
$image['duration'] = $this->duration;
$image['fadeDuration'] = $this->fadeDuration;
$image['groupSet'] = 0;
$image['url'] = '';
$image['description'] = '';
$image['title'] = '';
$images = array();
$maxHeight = 0;
foreach ($files as $f) {
$fp = new Permissions($f);
if(!$fp->canRead()) { continue; }
$image['fID'] = $f->getFileID();
$image['fileName'] = $f->getFileName();
$image['fullFilePath'] = $f->getPath();
$image['url'] = $f->getRelativePath();
// find the max height of all the images so slideshow doesn't bounce around while rotating
$vo = $f->getAttributeValueObject($ak);
if (is_object($vo)) {
$image['imgHeight'] = $vo->getValue('height');
if ($maxHeight == 0 || $image['imgHeight'] > $maxHeight) {
$maxHeight = $image['imgHeight'];
$images[] = $image;
$this->images = $images;
function loadImages(){
if(intval($this->bID)==0) $this->images=array();
$sortChoices=array('ORDER'=>'position','RANDOM-SET'=>'groupSet asc, position asc','RANDOM'=>'rand()');
if( !array_key_exists($this->playback,$sortChoices) )
if(intval($this->bID)==0) return array();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM btTnSlideshowImg WHERE bID=".intval($this->bID).' ORDER BY '.$sortChoices[$this->playback];
$db = Loader::db();
function delete(){
$db = Loader::db();
$db->query("DELETE FROM btTnSlideshowImg WHERE bID=".intval($this->bID));
function loadBlockInformation() {
if ($this->fsID == 0) {
} else {
$this->set('defaultFadeDuration', $this->defaultFadeDuration);
$this->set('defaultDuration', $this->defaultDuration);
$this->set('fadeDuration', $this->fadeDuration);
$this->set('duration', $this->duration);
$this->set('minHeight', $this->minHeight);
$this->set('fsID', $this->fsID);
$this->set('fsName', $this->getFileSetName());
$this->set('images', $this->images);
$this->set('playback', $this->playback);
$type = ($this->fsID > 0) ? 'FILESET' : 'CUSTOM';
$this->set('type', $type);
$this->set('bID', $this->bID);
function view() {
function add() {
function edit() {
function duplicate($nbID) {
$db = Loader::db();
foreach($this->images as $im) {
$db->Execute('insert into btTnSlideshowImg (bID, fID, url, duration, fadeDuration, groupSet, position, imgHeight, description, title) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?,?)',
array($nbID, $im['fID'], $im['url'], $im['duration'], $im['fadeDuration'], $im['groupSet'], $im['position'], $im['imgHeight'], $im['description'], $im['title'])
function save($data) {
$args['playback'] = isset($data['playback']) ? trim($data['playback']) : 'ORDER';
$db = Loader::db();
if( $data['type'] == 'FILESET' && $data['fsID'] > 0){
$args['fsID'] = $data['fsID'];
$args['duration'] = $data['duration'][0];
$args['fadeDuration'] = $data['fadeDuration'][0];
$files = $db->getAll("SELECT fv.fID FROM FileSetFiles fsf, FileVersions fv WHERE fsf.fsID = " . $data['fsID'] .
" AND fsf.fID = fv.fID AND fvIsApproved = 1");
//delete existing images
$db->query("DELETE FROM btTnSlideshowImg WHERE bID=".intval($this->bID));
} else if( $data['type'] == 'CUSTOM' && count($data['imgFIDs']) ){
$args['fsID'] = 0;
//delete existing images
$db->query("DELETE FROM btTnSlideshowImg WHERE bID=".intval($this->bID));
//loop through and add the images
foreach($data['imgFIDs'] as $imgFID){
if(intval($imgFID)==0 || $data['fileNames'][$pos]=='tempFilename') continue;
$vals = array(intval($this->bID),intval($imgFID),trim($data['title'][$pos]),trim($data['description'][$pos]),trim($data['url'][$pos]),intval($data['duration'][$pos]),intval($data['fadeDuration'][$pos]),
$db->query("INSERT INTO btTnSlideshowImg (bID,fID,title,description,url,duration,fadeDuration,groupSet,imgHeight,position) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",$vals);
function randomizeImages()
if($this->playback == 'RANDOM')
else if($this->playback == 'RANDOM-SET')
foreach($this->images as $imgInfo){
if( !in_array($imgInfo['groupSet'],$imageGroupIds) )
foreach($imageGroupIds as $imageGroupId){
foreach($imageGroups[$imageGroupId] as $imgInfo)