Fatal Eror with sidbar.php line 54

Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::render() in /home3/bagwellc/public_html/concrete/elements/profile/sidebar.php on line 54

I'm having trouble with the sidebar.php. Take this line out , $bt->render('view'); , It takes the side Nav away and it brings up the page. However place it back in and the page goes blank except for the picture.

Has anyone came across the issue before?


crowljor replied on at Permalink Reply
Call to undefined method stdClass::render() is the issue.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
As i experienced overriding profile pages is kinda tricky, you should describe how/where did you override these pages for getting help.
crowljor replied on at Permalink Reply
I took out the block autonav, not knowing that is what it needs. I just need to re place the autonav block back in. Would you know how to accomplish this?

I placed it back into the blocks however it is still not showing in blocks types.