Feature request : Return-path header in email
We are trying to circumvent a number of spam filters in asia and are confronted with a different return-path value compared to the To field. While we can manipulate the To-field, the return path is not in the parameters to set.
As concrete5 is using the ZEND-platform, it seems that ZEND does have the possibility to do that :http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.mail.introduction.htm...
I would like a way to have the mail wrapper of concrete be able to pass on that option to the ZEND platform
As concrete5 is using the ZEND-platform, it seems that ZEND does have the possibility to do that :http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.mail.introduction.htm...
I would like a way to have the mail wrapper of concrete be able to pass on that option to the ZEND platform