Feature suggestion: Organizing filesets - folders for filesets?

Folders are a great tool for organizing, and we have now folders for files and for stacks.
But as soon as we have to deal with a greater number of filesets, i think it would be equally useful to have folders for filesets. Especially as the pagination setting currently does not allow to display more than 10 filesets per page on the dashboard, which means that one can soon lose overview of existing filesets.

These fileset folders could be visually mapped by separators in the fileset selection dropdown of blocks that are using filesets.

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi okapi,

I recommend creating a feature request issue for this on GitHub. Before creating the issue, please do a search to make sure no one else has created the same or similar issue.

A tip for creating the issue, include plenty of specific details of what you want and why it would be useful.