Featured Slideshow Issue
I'm very new to using Concrete 5 and just took over a site that was built using Concrete 5. There is a block titled "Featured Slideshow" that is on the home page, and when I edit it and select the page that I would like the Banner image and the "Learn More" link to go to, it doesn't save. Everything else, the text and image save, but not the link. I'm not sure if there is something missing in the coding (as when I took the site over the original host had crashed losing some data) or if something's just wrong in the code. If anyone has any insight of what I can do or should do to fix it, it would be wonderful. Here is the link to the website so if you want to look at it you can.http://new.wagnerinsurance.net
Thank you in advance!
I'm very new to using Concrete 5 and just took over a site that was built using Concrete 5. There is a block titled "Featured Slideshow" that is on the home page, and when I edit it and select the page that I would like the Banner image and the "Learn More" link to go to, it doesn't save. Everything else, the text and image save, but not the link. I'm not sure if there is something missing in the coding (as when I took the site over the original host had crashed losing some data) or if something's just wrong in the code. If anyone has any insight of what I can do or should do to fix it, it would be wonderful. Here is the link to the website so if you want to look at it you can.http://new.wagnerinsurance.net
Thank you in advance!
Find out where the code for the block is (either application/blocks if custom or concrete/blocks if included with concrete).
Check the db.xml file, see what the main table name is. Then check the mySQL database for the field that appears to not be saving. See if any data is actually being saved into the database. Thats atleast where I would start when dealing with block data not persisting.
If you want you can upload the plugins folder so someone can review the code.
A screenshot of the edit screen for the block could also prove useful.