Field Display Reversed on Profile Form
Can anyone share how to resolve the issue of our Member Profile form displaying fields in reverse order? Right now the field values are displaying on the left and the filed labels are on the right. This only happens when viewing the Profile form in edit mode. The form displays properly on the Site Registration page. We're currently running version 5.6.02. Attached is a screen shot of some of the fields which show in revers order and other fields which appear in normal layout. Any assistance or info anyone can share on this item is most appreciated. Thank you.

Is there anyone at all who can help us with this item? Any assistance whatsoever would be most appreciated. Thank you.
It looks like a theme or block design css issue. Perhaps the theme or block design css is conflicting with some of the concrete5 styling. Or maybe the theme is designed to do it that way.
You could ask a support question of your theme developer.
If you want to get technical, to examine what is happening you can use the developer console to see what style sheet rules are responsible.
The last paragraph of this howto gives some links about using the developer console.
You could ask a support question of your theme developer.
If you want to get technical, to examine what is happening you can use the developer console to see what style sheet rules are responsible.
The last paragraph of this howto gives some links about using the developer console.