File attribute error ONLY on Edit Page Defaults

Hey there, this is my first ever post here on the community. Usually I find all the answers just by searching here or simply reading the Documentation, so I never needed to ask anything.

I'm building a site where I use a custom attribute to display an image as full page background, and I want it hardcoded into the page template so I used this code:

echo '<img src="'.$page->getAttribute('bgimage')->getRelativePath().'">';

The image displays with no problem on every page, EXCEPT when I want to edit Page Type Defaults.

There, I get an error saying "Call to a member function getRelativePath() on a non-object"

I need help, I can't figure out how to overcome this.

glockops replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I imagine your custom template has some code to define $page. That code is not being properly executed when working with page type defaults.

If that is the case, continue reading.
I had a similar issue when inheriting attributes and styles from a parent page, since page type defaults don't have parents. What you can do is specifically set $page to a value if the page type defaults are being loaded.

if(!$c->isMasterCollection()) {
            $page = ...  // Put your code here.
        } else {
            $page = Page::getByID('1'); // This will return the homepage and you can use that to load the bgimage that you specified on the homepage, which should be good enough for your page type defaults.

Alternatively, you could check to see if $page was set, and if not them skip the entire echo. But you may have other things that rely on $page.

Hope that helps!
gcadiz replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey thanks a lot, that worked!

At least, now I can load a message when editing defaults.