File Manager 500 (Internal Server Error)
Hi Guys
I need help.
I have uploaded my local site up to my web server. I have changed the .htaccess, site.php, app.php and database.php files.
I have also removed any reference to the localhost URL from the database and changed it to the live URL.
When I try and upload a file using the file manager I get a 500 (Internal Server Error).
I have enabled debug mode and I still don't get any more info from that (as it doesn't show up for this issue)
Any ideas?
I need help.
I have uploaded my local site up to my web server. I have changed the .htaccess, site.php, app.php and database.php files.
I have also removed any reference to the localhost URL from the database and changed it to the live URL.
When I try and upload a file using the file manager I get a 500 (Internal Server Error).
I have enabled debug mode and I still don't get any more info from that (as it doesn't show up for this issue)
Any ideas?
If you look in the Network tab instead of in the Console tab you should be able to find this request and get more information by clicking on it.
This is the error i am given. Any idea whats going on. I'm abit lost.
"errors":["An exception occurred while executing 'UPDATE Files SET uID = ? WHERE fID = ?' with params [1, 85]:\n\nSQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`uatsapph_c5`.`Files`, CONSTRAINT `FK_C7F46F5DFD71026C` FOREIGN KEY (`uID`) REFERENCES `users` (`uID`) ON DELETE SET NULL)"]}
This is the error i am given. Any idea whats going on. I'm abit lost.
"errors":["An exception occurred while executing 'UPDATE Files SET uID = ? WHERE fID = ?' with params [1, 85]:\n\nSQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`uatsapph_c5`.`Files`, CONSTRAINT `FK_C7F46F5DFD71026C` FOREIGN KEY (`uID`) REFERENCES `users` (`uID`) ON DELETE SET NULL)"]}
Some of the table names were lowercase.
Thanks for your help!
Some of the table names were lowercase.
Thanks for your help!