File manager evolution

Any idea to have thumbails not square and bigger in file manager ?
Like this picture ?

Thank you

1 Attachment

linuxoid replied on at Permalink Reply
In short, this is what I do in my packages, e.g. Real Estate:
$img_obj = $property->getImageObj();
if (is_object($img_obj)) {
   $thumb = $img->getThumbnail($img_obj, 100, 50, false);
   <img src="<?php echo $thumb->src; ?>" />
<?php } ?>

To have it done in the File Manager, I guess you have to find the bit and override it. It may be the \concrete\elements\files\view\image.php but I'm not sure. I doubt it could be done in the Dashboard without overriding the core.

Although v8.5+ has got this:
- Added preview images when mousing over images in the file manager
dimger84 replied on at Permalink Reply
I think you can simply change the Sizing Mode in the settings of your file_manager_listing thumbnail type.

Try navigate to /index.php/dashboard/system/files/thumbnails.
Click on file_manager_listing.
Change Sizing Mode to "Resize Proportionally".

But the problem here is that concrete has this css
table.ccm-file-manager-list img.ccm-file-manager-list-thumbnail.ccm-thumbnail-small, table.ccm-file-manager-list img.ccm-generic-thumbnail.ccm-thumbnail-small {
    width: 30px;
    height: 30px;

which you must probably change.

P.S (Keep Calm and Clear your Cache)

Hope that helps