File manager File permissions

Permalink 1 user found helpful
Sorry is this has been covered before, but I could not find a specific answer.

1. Can you set file permission on actual files so say I upload a document that is only available via a "members only" group that should someone find the path to the file itself, they cannot get to access it unless they are logged in with the right permissions.

1. The Concrete5 document manager - Does this also provide permission control to file level so again you have to have logged in with correct permissions to access file, even if you knew the exact URL to the file on the webserver?


simonchilton replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm also looking for exactly this functionality. From what I see of the Document manager demo, it doesn't have it.
You can set a password to download a file in the File Manager by clicking the file and selecting Access and Permissions. This isn't going to work for me, though, as I have a lot of documents duplicated on several pages - managing passwords for individual files isn't practical and having one overall password isn't secure enough.
Cubecrawler replied on at Permalink Reply
exactly what i'm searching for too !!!
