File Manager - File Sets and My Sets

In the dashboard file manager, it's not at all clear what "My Sets" means or how to create one. It implies that "My Sets" are private and viewable only by the logged in user. Is that correct? And how exactly does one create a "My Set"? When you add a set, there is no option for public or private. It creates only public sets.

Can anyone shed any light on the file set terminology and UI?

Thanks much,


Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, so I checked the dev docs, and this is what they say for the getMySets() function...

"Returns an array of FileSet objects that belong to the user, OR are public."

...which contradicts what happens in the dashboard when you click the "My Sets" radio button - i.e. no public sets are shown.

So then, what exactly does "belong to the user" mean? That is, if you can set permissions on a user-by-user basis, what value does being the "owner" of a set provide beyond being able to edit the set?

And then there's the question of how to make a user the owner of a set. Can that only be done programmatically? I don't see a way to do it via the dashboard.

Thanks for any insights,

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
I have just come up against the same question. When logged in as Administrator, how do I create a file set that belongs to a specific user(ie appears under 'My Sets' for that user) ?

Is this a bug? does it need reporting?
Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi John,

I never got an "official" response to my inquiry, and the relevant project got put on the back burner, so I don't know how much help I can be, but...

> how do I create a file set that belongs to a specific user(i.e. appears
> under 'My Sets' for that user) ?

It appears to be straightforward to do programmatically, but as far as I can tell, there is no UI for assigning ownership or managing permissions. Permissions can be set for individual files but (oddly enough) not for file sets.

> Is this a bug? does it need reporting?

Don't know for sure, but I get the impression that file set management was just never fully fleshed out. Perhaps a more complete UI is on the roadmap for a future release? If you learn anything more, please post back and share.


ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
the get my sets function calls:;

$r = $db->Execute('select * from FileSets where fsType = ? or (fsType in (?, ?) and uID = ?) order by fsName asc', array(FileSet::TYPE_PUBLIC, FileSet::TYPE_STARRED, FileSet::TYPE_PRIVATE, $u->getUserID()));

note where it asks if it is public Or the other stuff.

it should probably just be

$r = $db->Execute('select * from FileSets where fsType = ? and uID = ?) order by fsName asc', array(FileSet::TYPE_PRIVATE, $u->getUserID()));
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
I am thinking of it the other way round, on the dashboard 'Add Set' form, /dashboard/files/add_set/, if 'My Sets' is selected (and could it be re-labelled 'User Set'), the form should then show a user selection control (defaulting to the current user) to establish the $uID passed to the database when the set is created.
Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
> note where it asks if it is public Or the other stuff

Yeah, I noticed (and noted) that as well. That implies that getMySets() really means "get the sets to which I have access" and not "get the sets I own". Thus, it could just be an unfortunate happenstance that the method name is the same as the text in the UI. That's why I asked for official clarification as to what was intended. Rather than risk breaking something somewhere, perhaps it would be best to add another method called getUserOwnedSets() or something and then change the wording in the UI to more accurately convey which sets are being viewed/edited.
