File Manager limit to images

I'm attempting to use the File Manager from a block to select images but it lists swf-files.
I need images only, because I want to select an image for use as a background for an element.

I open the file manager with this command:
ccm_launchFileManager( "&fType=" + ccmi18n_filemanager.FTYPE_IMAGE );

1 Attachment

wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
You can try using the search bar in the file manager... search for your filetype, e.g .png or .jpeg etc.. that should show only those filetypes.

Or if the images are in a set then you can just select that set.
AdMad replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi wagdi

Thanks for the attempt :o)
Your solution would be great for a site admin/owner, but we are making this for a block element and would like to be able to restrict the admin/owner of the site, so he can only choose file types that are supported.
daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
This may be it?! it is for me...
$al->file('fileId2', 'flvID', t('Choose File'), $file, array('fExtension' => 'flv'))?>