File set display order will not stick!
Permalink 1 user found helpfulI'm setting up a slideshow on a site. I created a file set specifically for my slideshow photos. BUT what is soooo frustrating is that every single time I go into Dashboard>File Manager>Sets and use the drag-and-drop feature to reorder.... then I click "Save Display Order" and then voila! it's now in an entirely different order than I just saved it as! EVERY TIME! I'm so tired of deleting my sets and then trying to re-ad the pics only to have it do the same thing over and over again.
I cleared my site's cache, but it didn't fix it.
Suggestions, PLEASE!
Thank you,
P.S. This has nothing to do with the output on the site itself (although that's not working either); it is not a problem with my display program - the problem is that even in the dashboard, before I even check it on the site, it isn't staying in the order I save it in.
I want the base issues fixed!
I've been using C5 for a long time and this file order feature is relatively new and I think I already saw the ordering bug twice.
The post quoted above isn't very easy to follow. Carefully follow these steps:
1. create a directory called models in your C5 top directory
2. cp concrete/models/file_list.php models/
3. vi (or whatever you like) models/file_list.php and add the three lines below, indicated by leading "+" sign. (Remove + sign when adding the code, of course.)
protected function createQuery(){
+ if (count($this->filteredFileSetIDs) == 1) {
+ $this->filter('fsfl.fsID', $this->filteredFileSetIDs[0]);
+ }
$this->filter('fvIsApproved', 1);
$this->setupAttributeFilters("left join FileSearchIndexAttributes on (fv.fID = FileSearchIndexAttributes.fID)");
hope this helps.
Really want to be able to put my pictures in order.
Works in 5.4.2, though overriding the file_set controller, single_page and the model with that version won't do the trick.
I have been looking at the files, but can't spot the bug...
Have you had any luck yet?