File sets for users

Hello community, was wandering is there an easy way to make sets for users and setup the files to be added to theese sets automaticaly after user uploads them.
I want to make an art community with user pages, so when they upload images they appear in their gallery.

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe you can use advanced permissions to allow users in a certain group to add new files and use the file manager but only see their own files? You'd still need to do some custom coding to make it work smoothly I'm guessing though.

You might want to try this addon:
(although I'm not sure if that's exactly what you're asking for)

If I were building this out myself, I wouldn't use file sets though -- instead I'd make a single_page that lets registered users upload photos, and displays that user's photos on that page (the same page would work for all users -- it would have a sub-path that could be the user id for example, which would get passed to the single_page controller action and then you could query that user's photos and display them properly).

So I guess the answer to the question of "is there a simple way to do this" is unfortunately "no" (at least that I'm aware of).

majorius replied on at Permalink Reply
thanx for reply, I'll try
daenu replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi all
I tried many things, finally i got a quite easy solution, which is fine for me:
The goal:
show a fileset for download on a member page of the actual logged user.
The task contents 2 parts:
1-The Admin part
2-The programmers part (just copypaste, more or less)

1-The Admin part

1. Login as admin
2. Go to Dashboard - > System & Settings
3. Go to Permission & Access -> Advanced Permissions
If it doesn't say 'Advanced permissions are turned on.'
Set it on & save
4. Go to Permission & Access -> User Permissions
5. Set permissions for Administrators and registered Users
for 'View Users Attribute'
6. Go to Dashboard -> Search Users
7. Add User (dont add him to any group, haven't tested yet)
8. Go to Dashboard -> File Sets
9. Add File Set and name it the same as the just created user name and add it.
10. Click again on the File Set and enable custom permissions for this file set. Save again.
11. Set permissions for administrators and the just created user for
'View Files' &
'Search Files in File Manager'
and all the other permissions you'd like to, but be carefull with
'Edit File Properties'
'Edit File Contents'

*************** UPDATE 2013-03-28 *************************
in -> System & Settings -> LOGIN & REGISTRATION -> Public Profiles

Dashboard -> Full Sitemap turn on <Options> Show System Pages and than, up to you to decide what page each user should see. my solution:
Only Admins see the members page
the user is redirected to his profile page after login
System & Settings -> LOGIN & REGISTRATION -> Login Destination

2-The programmers part

1. Go to the folder: ROOT/concrete/single-pages
2. Copy the whole 'proflie'-folder to the ROOT-folder
3. Open the view.php in ROOT/single-pages/profile
4. Replace the followig Code
$uaks = UserAttributeKey::getPublicProfileList();
foreach($uaks as $ua) { ?>
        <label><?php echo $ua->getKeyName()?></label>
        <?php echo $profile->getAttribute($ua, 'displaySanitized', 'display'); ?>
<?php  } ?>...

with this code (example without design)
$user = new User();
$userId = $user::isLoggedIn();
$userName = $user->getUserName();
 * File-Set Infos
 * get the Fileset(s) which the logged User has permission on.
$fs = FileSet::getByName($userName);
$fl = new FileList();
$files = $fl->get();

For downloading any file, instead of showing files in a browser window:
create a download.php with the following code inside:

$file = htmlspecialchars($_GET['file']);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$file.'"');

and in the view.php inside the for-loop create a link similar to this:
echo '<a href="/download.php?file='.$f->getFileName().'" >download '.$f->getFileName().'</a>';


That's it. Don' forget to put some files in your filesets, before you want to shoot the pc-shooter
with version5.6.1.1 doesn't work anymore, i'll get a new solution
drennapete replied on at Permalink Reply
whats going on with the permissions in!
daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
I did'nt try it yet, just kept it away from the life( version, but if you have time, try with this tutorial and if you like, give me some news if it works

OK I just forgot to enable PUBLIC PROFILES!!!!!¨

works again like a charme
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Nothing to do with the recent posts on permissions, but getting back to the original topic of this thread, I created Magic Data to solve this kind of problem. For example, it can be used to change (on the fly) the file set a gallery or slider block displays to show a set named in a user attribute of the current viewer or of the page owner.
daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
ok for 35$

think i'll make a package out of it and put it in the market too, maybe for 3.5$ ?