FileImporter complaining about "Invalid file extension" for .jpg (5.6)

I have some fairly straightforward FileImporter code in C5 5.6:

    $fi = new FileImporter();
    $thumb = $fi->import($thumb_path, $XML->name."_imported_thumbnail");
    if (!is_object($thumb))
      echo "Error importing $thumb_path: ".$fi->getErrorMessage($thumb);

$thumb_path points to a JPG file with the extension .jpg.

Still, I always get the error "Invalid file extension". I double-checked the list of file extensions and jpg is definitely on the list.

Anyone have an idea what is going on?

pekka replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Facepalm - it's the *target* extension it's complaining about, not the source file's.

Adding the file extension to the target file name:

$thumb = 
$fi->import($thumb_path, $XML->name."_imported_thumbnail.".pathinfo($thumb_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
Solves it.

Leaving this up for future generations who may run into the same problem.