Fileset Permissions For Groups

This post is going to get a bit long, but I’d like to explain the entire situation with as much info as possible. Thanks to anyone that makes it all the way through :)

I'm working on transferring a college website to concrete5 from a homegrown CMS. The previous programmer had created a migration script to move all the content, however, it was for a 4.x version of c5. Most things are coming over correctly, but I'm having a bit of trouble with fileset permissions.

At the college, we have departments that are responsible for their own portion of the website. Individual users are listed under the "site" in the homegrown system. The migration moved these over accordingly and turned all "sites" into groups and put the approriate users into those groups. All is well with this.

The groups are corresponding to pages. For example, there is an "Advising" group and in the sitemap, there is an "advising" main page with all the children pages underneath of it. So if the advising group is allowed specific editing permissions on the main advising page, the permissions trickle down to all children pages. They are allowed to edit the advising pages and nothing else on the site. This is perfect and exactly what I want.

The problem is, in the migration, all the files associated with the advising pages were grouped and put into filesets. So there is a "advising" fileset that goes along with the advising page and it's children pages. As the filesets were created by the script, they were created under "admin" and none were made public. I figure this is fine and I can just assign permissions to the individual group, so the "advising" group would have access to the "advising" fileset and nothing else. I did this by adding all permissions under the “advising” fileset to the “advising” group.

I then run into the “unable to access file manager” error, so I went to “system & settings”-->”File Manager Permissions” and set the group to have access to view, search files, and add files. Once I did this, the file manager is accessible, however, I am able to see about 4000 files when logging in under an advising group user. There are about 6500 files total in the system, but only 16 files in the advising area. So it appears it’s restricting about 2500 files, but not all that need to be restricted.

Am I giving too many file manager permissions? Is there somewhere else I need to be looking that I haven’t? Any help at all is appreciated!

Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
It sounds to me like you may have set the permissions incorrectly.

Could you please post a screenshot of the permissions for the advising users?

jhoover replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
The first screenshot is of the Fileset permissions for the "Advising" fileset. The second screenshot is the File Manager Permissions.
Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
What I would try playing with the permissions. Based on those pictures, I would think it would work.
SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply

You might be running into a bug