Film library+Alphabetical Navigation?

I need to make a system with a way I can add a film to the library by filling out an application/ form, addressing its genre, title, providing a reel, etc etc and it should automatically be uploaded into a centralized database and also listed where it says "All Films". Each film should also be listed in the other pages based on its genre "horror, Drama, Documentary, etc etc" - this section has to be turnkey....

in the FILMS section, on all the pages, there should be letters A to Z providing another navigation for the user to click on a letter based on the film that they are looking for... so if the film is called Apple, & etc - Alphabetical Navigation to each of the pages under film
Please help I'm desperate!

da4kinov replied on at Permalink Reply
I found this code:
<dl class="azlists"><dt>A-Z Browse Movies</dt><dd><ol>
<a href="/nochar/">0-9</a>
<a href="/A/">A</a>
<a href="/B/">B</a>
<a href="/C/">C</a>
<a href="/D/">D</a>

the place where I found it these lettrs was horizontal, now they are vertical?! how to make them horizontal?