Filtering custom attributes within Edit User


We have a custom attribute set which consists of 14 items, depending on the age of the user we wish to filter this list so that only the ones applicable to the user can be selected but I'm having trouble finding where it is setting these up with the form.

I have created a custom controller for the single_pages/dashboard/users/ search controller for this and can see that the printAttributeRow function serves up most of the html and begins the form and then uses:

$ak->render('form', $vo, true)

to pull in and create a div for each custom attribute item, does anyone know where the render function is? As currently I am having trouble locating it and I assume it is the only way to filter individual items of a custom attribute.

jakegreen replied on at Permalink Reply
I thing that you can do what you want with an if statement and rendering each attribute individually using getAttribute() or the form helper.

this is for a form in the edit profile single page
echo $form->label('attribute_handle', t('Attribute Label'));
echo $form->text('attribute_handle',$ui->getAttribute('attribute_handle'));

<?php echo $user->getAttribute(company_address, 'displaySanitized', 'display'); ?>