Filtering Pages

I can't seem to find a way to do this. I'm not a PHP guy, so, this may be easy for some one in the community.

I'd like to be able to list a bunch of pages and then by clicking on some buttons or links, filter the results to only include specific pages that meet a criteria. For example. If I have a list of projects, I'd like to have a button or link above the list that says "Type A Projects" and another button or link that says "Type B Projects". Each link would display specific items from the same page list.

I hope that makes sense. Any help to point me in the right direction is very much appreciated.


PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
From what it sounds like what you're trying to do, I recommend the "Dojo Page Filter Pro" add-on, available in the marketplace. It's $20. Check it out here:
brettlockhart replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks growthcurve... I will check this out for sure.