Form does not work

Hi, I have an issue I've been trying to fix and after 5 hours I still haven't resolved it.

I have two forms, one for logged in users (that have an account on the website) to apply to a class in their local gym.
The other is for guest visitors so they can apply for a free try-out class.

In the form I have an calendar event option. So you select the calendar, classes in this case. Then it asks you to pick an event and I get to see the calendar and can choose an event.

When I do this whilst logged in to a user account, this works completely fine. When I do this as a guest, so not logged in to an account, I don't get to see the button and can not pick an event.

Also, as additional information. When I do this whilst logged in to my user account or my admin account, it DOES work, so it has to do with the permissions probably, but I have tried every single setting there is.

Anybody that knows the way to solve this issue? I don't have a lot of time so this forum is my last resort.

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
This seems to be a bug. Assets required by the event selector are not loaded properly. I submitted a bug report: