foundation template, about core engine n other doubts

Hi all. Coming from another CMS, and unhappy to leave it, but I think neccesary ;( snif!

Which php template engine used in concrete5?: Composer?, symphony, smarty? Know some beneficts to be listed?

I like so much to use css framework ZB Foundation, easy, elegant n useful!, is it possible to use as template here? Create quickly own theme from scratch? How? Know any tutorial?

What about the hispan community? marticps moderator?: is the hispain forum dead?

Concrete5 ready for small n medium websites which use blogs, news, pages, comments and post feedback, galleries banners, jquery plugins, ecommerce promotions, list products and catalogs

I'm starting to use it. I just want to hear some related experiences. thanks, luck!

goutnet replied on at Permalink Reply
If you are only starting, I would recommend you to start looking at the very last release ( or even better the one on github that will become

That new version considerably changes, well … everything. Although all addons are to be ported (we work on that for next version to come late this month), it has tons of thing you want to have a look at :

- Integration with LESS CSS templating
- Integration of some Symphony components
- Integration with Composer (at least on the github repo)

I can't speak about the hispano forum, I see from time to time some posts in spainish here and people replying to, but English is definitely the way to go when it comes to asking help or discussing on this forum.

As to know if c5 is ready for medium sites, well yes it definitely is (even for big sites IMO).