Friendly download links?

My client has several dozen product brochures posted on their C5 site as PDFs.
They frequently send direct links to these PDFs to their customers by email, but they're unhappy with how long and unwieldy the URLs are (they consider them very "technical" and unfriendly for the customer).

I'm currently using a series of "File Set" blocks to render the links. The links themselves come out looking like,... which, when clicked on, resolve to (this is the URL the client usually emails, as the URL of the link doesn't contain the filename)

I've created a new storage location that changes "/application/files/" to simply "downloads", but still the URL is unwieldy with the numbered subdirectories.

I realize that all the subdirectories are likely some form of version control, but is there any way to have the PDFs accessible via more friendly URLs, such as ?


Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
I created a top level directory (under public_html) called ‘downloads’ and put all sorts of files in it. The same as you’ve mentioned above.

Link becomes: or whatever.
CarlSteinhilber replied on at Permalink Reply
So how do you then get those documents to work with C5 components and widgets?
If you upload them manually, they aren't under the management of C5 anymore, are they?