Fruitful jumbotron hero-featurette in Elemental theme


I'm trying to get the fruitful slider to look right in the elemental theme.
I've tried customising the CSS in the front end editor and it only partially works. it doesn't' seem to like some code and this doesn't really seem like the right way to do it .

I was hoping to just link the already made CSS file from the fruitful theme to the elemental one somehow but I'm not seeing where the elemental theme is asking for the CSS

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pouyat777 replied on at Permalink Reply
Bumping this to see if anyone has an answer
pouyat777 replied on at Permalink Reply
Bumping this to see if anyone has an answer
MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
For what it's worth, the fruitful slider is nearly identical to Power Slider:
MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
actually, it's also similar to the simple slider. The main difference is the color overlay exists and is configurable in power slider.
regmedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Went back to joomla. I'm still hopeful for concrete five but it seems a little too buggy at the moment. I'll try it again in a year or so ..
MichaelG replied on at Permalink Reply
No offense, but you not knowing what you're doing with a slider has nothing to do with Concrete5.

The slider built into the fruitful theme package is deeply ingrained with the theme itself. Thus why standalone add-ons (such as the ones I mentioned) are great for /any/ theme. You not knowing what CSS/JS to copy from one theme to another is not "buggy". That's plainly your error :)

The latest version of Concrete5 (7.3.1) is pretty stable. The version coming out within the next week or so is what a lot of devs have been looking forward to.
regmedia replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Haha. The bugginess was more than what I posted about but good for you for being a smarmy f*ck. Case in point, posting this reply on mobile is buggy. But like I said, I'm hopeful for concrete 5 to be my platform of choice eventually or at least something I use sometimes. Have a great weekend :)