Full page Left Nav bar CSS Accordion

Hey everyone, I'm trying to make a full size left nav bar with 3 more columns with individual widths to the right of it. I'm not paying for any left nav bar themes, and I'm trying to basically build my own using Plain Yogurt. The issue I'm having is making a full left nav bar just using the Layouts feature. I'm providing a screenshot of it below, and I want to know if any of you guys have a solution to my issue.

Anyone who wishes to view it as is and use the inspect element tool feel free...


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goldhat replied on at Permalink Reply
Well it looks like when you have a long left sidebar it's going to push down beneath it the second row. So if you know CSS you can solve that with custom CSS and positioning or floats. But if you're limited to using the layouts tool, you have to find a way to keep it all on the one row.

Maybe somebody will come along who knows about a package for more advanced layouts? If you had something that was like a grid it might work better because the layouts tool is a bit limited.
mtherieau12 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the speedy reply. I'm stuck with layouts because I can't afford to purchase any other tools. Do you know what I could do to float the left bar over an empty cell using the layouts that I've made? I don't want to have to re-design my entire site to achieve this. I've been working on it for months just to get a hang of the tools C5.5 is offering.

If I found a left nav plain theme I'd be stoked to have it, be like Plain Yogurt just with a long sidebar(which is what I'm trying to achieve.

can I private message you to see if you could help?