Full width not full width?

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Yes, it's another complete rookie question. I have a site up and running, and would like to add a full-width page. However, when I use the "add page" button and choose "full width", the page I get still has a right sidebar, just like the default page type. I'm using the Dark Chocolate theme, which I believe supports the Full Width page type.

Why is my new page showing up with a sidebar?

(I hope this question hasn't been answered elsewhere, if so feel free to slap me and post a link to the thread that I couldn't find.)


tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
It does, in fact, contain a full width page type. Do you have a public url we can look at?

ToolFreak replied on at Permalink Reply
Here's a link to my newly-created full-width-but-not-full-width page:


(And thanks for the quick reply!)
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like it could be full width. Theres no content. The footer will always look like that.
ToolFreak replied on at Permalink Reply
I had hoped it was as simple as a content block needing to be there to auto-hide (?) the right sidebar, but I added a simple text content block and cleared my site cache and the empty right sidebar is still showing?

Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
I get the same result Steve does. Looks OK.
Be sure you clear your browser cache (F5) and even manually clear your site cache in the dashboard when experiencing unexpected results after editing/changing a site.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
The out put code reads:

<div id="central">
      <div id="sidebar">
      <div id="body">   
         <p>Testing test test tes …. est.</p>
      <div class="spacer">&nbsp;</div>      

See where it says "sidebar"? That is not in the full page code so the answer is you are calling either the default.php, right sidebar or something else. But this in not the Full Page type.

ToolFreak replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, that would explain it then. :)

Which leads me to the inevitable question of why? When I use the "Add Page" button I'm given four options: Discussion, Discussion Post, Full Width and Page. The icon for Full Width looks like just what I want (a full width sidebar-free page), but is obviously not selecting said page type.

For obvious reasons I'm reluctant to try either of the Discussion page types. Interestingly, the only difference between the pages I get when using this "Full Width" page type and the "Page" page type is the inclusion of an AutoNav block in the right sidebar when I make one with the "Page" page type.

I wonder what happened to the Full Width page type that came with the theme? More experimentation is in order. If I install a new theme, the page types that theme supports should show automatically when I create a new page, correct?
tallacman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Dont know. Follow these instructions to active your full page type.


ToolFreak replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks *very* much, that was in fact the issue. Done and done.