Galleria Add-On With Lightbox
I am using the Galleria add-on for a small ecom sight and it works well for the product detail pages for showing various shots of the product.
The only problem is I would rather have a lightbox come up when the main picture is in the display box.
i.e. you have the main image and the thumbnails. you click on a thumbnail that image goes to the main image area. you click on any image in the main image area and it pulls open a lightbox for larger viewing. you click the image in the lightbox and it scrolls through the rest of the thumbnails while retaining the lightbox.
I've had a look through the package files and I see where to turn off the nav on the image click, but not sure about how to add in the functionality for the lightbox.
Has anyone made this work? Or have a suggestion for an add-on that has both the galleria look/layout AND a lightbox feature.
The only problem is I would rather have a lightbox come up when the main picture is in the display box.
i.e. you have the main image and the thumbnails. you click on a thumbnail that image goes to the main image area. you click on any image in the main image area and it pulls open a lightbox for larger viewing. you click the image in the lightbox and it scrolls through the rest of the thumbnails while retaining the lightbox.
I've had a look through the package files and I see where to turn off the nav on the image click, but not sure about how to add in the functionality for the lightbox.
Has anyone made this work? Or have a suggestion for an add-on that has both the galleria look/layout AND a lightbox feature.
However I can get it to popup. Only other requirement would be the ability to cycle through the images already pulled by Galleria.
I can come up with how to make this happen for the main image, but not all 3.
Do you know of a way to have Fancybox Gallery pulling on top of Galleria?
I can come up with how to make this happen for the main image, but not all 3.
Do you know of a way to have Fancybox Gallery pulling on top of Galleria?
are you using a fancybox add on or is it custom?
if it's custom then you should be able to include the pagination/navigation function.
if it's custom then you should be able to include the pagination/navigation function.
with galleria, you could for example, take over the big image link so that instead of switching images it opens to a new window..
otherwise if you're handing with jQuery, it's already loaded with C5 so all you'd have to do is make a custom template for gallery that calls it...