Gallerific - Thumbnail opacity & Styling
I'm hoping someone who has used the Gallerific Add-On ( ) can chime in with some thoughts on how to style the gallery. I'd like to have the non-active thumbnail images have a lower opacity (say 75%) so that they look pale/washed-out... then have the opacity return to 100% on mouse-over and/or when it is the active image.
I was looking in the Block code for the Add-on and it SEEMS like that's supposed to happen anyway... but it's not. So maybe something's wrong with my install?
Also... if I want to go about re-styling the look-and-feel of a Gallerific image gallery, what's the best place to add/edit CSS code for it, etc. Do I duplicate the Add-On and make my own changes? Or should I add a new stylesheet into my page template that will add over-riding styles?
Finally... I wanted to make it so that the large image was a link to a LightBox-effect larger version. Has anyone done that? And, if so, how? ;D
Thanks! I appreciate any thoughts/help!
- John
P.S... I'm new to Concrete5 and by no means am I a PHP programmer. I pick things up very quickly... and I'm good at dissecting things and making "tweaks". But if I'm getting in over my head, let me know. I'm not averse to hiring someone who can do this kind of thing with one hand tied behind their back! ;D
I'm hoping someone who has used the Gallerific Add-On ( ) can chime in with some thoughts on how to style the gallery. I'd like to have the non-active thumbnail images have a lower opacity (say 75%) so that they look pale/washed-out... then have the opacity return to 100% on mouse-over and/or when it is the active image.
I was looking in the Block code for the Add-on and it SEEMS like that's supposed to happen anyway... but it's not. So maybe something's wrong with my install?
Also... if I want to go about re-styling the look-and-feel of a Gallerific image gallery, what's the best place to add/edit CSS code for it, etc. Do I duplicate the Add-On and make my own changes? Or should I add a new stylesheet into my page template that will add over-riding styles?
Finally... I wanted to make it so that the large image was a link to a LightBox-effect larger version. Has anyone done that? And, if so, how? ;D
Thanks! I appreciate any thoughts/help!
- John
P.S... I'm new to Concrete5 and by no means am I a PHP programmer. I pick things up very quickly... and I'm good at dissecting things and making "tweaks". But if I'm getting in over my head, let me know. I'm not averse to hiring someone who can do this kind of thing with one hand tied behind their back! ;D