Gallery Block Themeing

Hi guys,

I have installed the c5 gallery block and now it resides in a packages/gallery directory. I need to know how I can customise this block and change the look and feel. Do I just modify the view.php file and overwrite the css or is there another directory to add files which will be used instead of overwriting original files?

There is no documentation that I could find with details of gallery block skinning.


jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
ringo replied on at Permalink Reply
Im sorry this doesn't answer my question. I am dealing with an item in the root/packages/ directory. Not in the blocks directory.

I need to know where I can change my theme at for the gallery block?
orisinal replied on at Permalink Reply
It's same thing with packages, as they include blocks. If you look at /packages/asmiller_gallery/, there is folder "blocks".

So make folder
and copy original view.php and view.css there. Now go to page edit mode, click on Gallery block and choose your template from Custom Template.

Isn't that great, huh? :)
ringo replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for that.

For the gallery block there is no templates folder so do i just use..


Is that the correct path?

orisinal replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Where did you find folder "gallery"? Not sure if that's renamed, but in my site it's "asmiller_gallery". Just copy...

/packages/asmiller_gallery/blocks/asmiller_gallery/view.php and view.css


/blocks/asmiller_gallery/templates/yourCoolTemplate/view.php and view.css

It's same thing as if you made this folder straight to...


...but you should never make changes to core or packages as Concrete5 has this very powerful overriding system and your changes are not written over in updates. Just make sure you use correct folder and file names.
ringo replied on at Permalink Reply
Got it sorted now thanks.

It is the default gallery block I am using and not the asmiller one.

orisinal replied on at Permalink Reply
Ooooh man! I really don't know why I mixed that to Galleria block. Sorry. But as you can see, it's same thing with every block ;)
ringo replied on at Permalink Reply
indeed - thanks a lot!