Gallery Navigation

I have several collections/albums and am desperately trying to find the best way to display each collection apart whilst providing a central page to navigate easily to each of these albums.

Putting pretty much any of the gallery blocks available onto a page is obviously easy, and so for that purpose it seems easiest to have a separate page for each album.

But I need something to display all the albums on one page (i.e. a thumbnail of a single image which links to it's relevant album page). So sort of like a visual page list/auto nav. Is there a block that exists that does this well?

(I know I could just go through and add images individually and link them to the appropriate pages)

Alternatively is there a block which it is easy of navigate multiple albums (they would be clearly divided and labelled, my albums are currently sorted into filesets).

Many Thanks,


12345j replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
12345j or maybe? they integrate with page list, don't think one integrates with image by default tho.
skisy replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! They both seem appropriate, or at least certainly something that I could work from.

Thanks again!
klangkamp replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you find something that worked for you? I am trying to do the same thing.
skisy replied on at Permalink Reply
No, sorry, for now I have settled for just a text navigation, but am still considering this as a future development. I think the previous block suggest does have potential to work, but would need a bit of tweaking which I don't have time to do at the moment.