General question about files and C5 directory


I am trying to figure out exactly where pages are stored in the filing system when they are created. I tried looking through the directory but found nothing. Looked at the site map XML file, and found this listed as a <loc> which I assume is location:

How do I get to that, given the: "/index.php/about/" part??

Thank you,

-- Andrey

P.S. I apologize if the question reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of how C5 works -- I am new to this stuff (Web Dev in general, and CMSs in particular). Is there some sort of primer on the general structure and 'theory' behind the construction/programming of C5?

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Concrete5 does not use "pages" like that, basically its one file, the index.php, depending on what comes after that (like /about) it looks into the Database and gathers information and displays it
andreyman3d2k replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, that makes sense -- though it is difficult to wrap my head around this! So you are saying that if I add a content block with some formatted text, all that text, as well as its formatting info, is placed into a DB?

And if I make a layout out of a block with a few columns, the width/location of those columns is stored in a DB also?

This DB must have many many tables...
