Generating 404 on demand?

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While developing a site on the wonderfulness that is C5, I've come across a bit of unique question:

The site I'm developing is going to be generating pages - project pages, discussion threads, etc - and my boss wants the ability to limit visibility on these pages as he the extent that if someone gets their hands on a restricted URL, and doesn't have a login for it, the page generates a 404.

My question to the community is this: how does concrete throw it's 404s? Is that something I can control/piggyback, or is my only option to mimic the 404 page and display that?

Any insights are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
just change the permissions so that they can't view the page...

or if you want to do it in php,

$v = View::getInstance();
CodeMoose replied on at Permalink Reply
Excellent, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!