Geocode address and display Google map?
I'm coming from the Drupal world where I've created a custom content type, for example schools, and the schools content type has address information. On entering in a new school the address is geocoded into lat and long and then these coordinates are in turn used to display a google map. All this is done piecing together some free modules.
What the concrete5 way to do this? I'm not afraid of writing some php if I need to but I'm curious if this has already been solved and if there is a ready made solution?
I guess I would create a "school" page type and add address attributes. Is there an address module or do you just add the address fields you want?
What the concrete5 way to do this? I'm not afraid of writing some php if I need to but I'm curious if this has already been solved and if there is a ready made solution?
I guess I would create a "school" page type and add address attributes. Is there an address module or do you just add the address fields you want?