German characters in some feeds not displaying correctly, SimplePie bug ?
I am trying to display a couple RSS feeds using Concrete5 5.4.0 and its RSS Displayer block, some feeds like this one,
Display correctly, but some others like this one,
It have all German accents garbaged and replace by weird characters.
I noticed in the source for this feeds that the one not displaying correctly have a "de-AT" in its language tag rather simply "de".
I tried a different feed that contains this same "de-AT" tag,
And it also garbages the German accents, so I think maybe SimplePie is not handling the de-AT or maybe even any other de-* encondings as specified in this feeds ?
Has anyone gone through something similar yet ?
I am trying to display a couple RSS feeds using Concrete5 5.4.0 and its RSS Displayer block, some feeds like this one,
Display correctly, but some others like this one,
It have all German accents garbaged and replace by weird characters.
I noticed in the source for this feeds that the one not displaying correctly have a "de-AT" in its language tag rather simply "de".
I tried a different feed that contains this same "de-AT" tag,
And it also garbages the German accents, so I think maybe SimplePie is not handling the de-AT or maybe even any other de-* encondings as specified in this feeds ?
Has anyone gone through something similar yet ?