Getting ready to Drop C5. Server response times are very slow
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We recently relaunched our own website using C5.7.
The best server response time we have achieved is 2.98s - averaging about 3.3s. (With caching on)
When the cache is rebuilding this goes up to 11.87s.
This is running on our own server where other CMS driven sites are responding on average in about 50ms.
We have optimised the MySQL server, upgraded PHP to 5.4.38. Disks and memory are checked.
By removing all blocks from a page we're getting a response time of about 1s which is still slow.
Any help would be gratefully received.
Kind regards,
Environment Info:
The best server response time we have achieved is 2.98s - averaging about 3.3s. (With caching on)
When the cache is rebuilding this goes up to 11.87s.
This is running on our own server where other CMS driven sites are responding on average in about 50ms.
We have optimised the MySQL server, upgraded PHP to 5.4.38. Disks and memory are checked.
By removing all blocks from a page we're getting a response time of about 1s which is still slow.
Any help would be gratefully received.
Kind regards,
Environment Info:
# concrete5 Version Core Version - Version Installed - Database Version - 20150109000000 # concrete5 Packages Fruitful (1.1.1), ProBlog (2.1.0), Thumb Gallery (1.0.2). # concrete5 Overrides languages/ja_JP, languages/tr_TR, languages/sl_SI, languages/fr_FR, languages/el_GR, languages/ru_RU, languages/nl_NL, languages/it_IT, languages/de_DE, languages/fi_FI, languages/sv_SE, languages/da_DK # concrete5 Cache Settings Block Cache - On Overrides Cache - On Full Page Caching - On - If blocks on the particular page allow it. Full Page Cache Lifetime - Every 6 hours (default setting). # Server Software Apache
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How many pages are in your Autonav?
7 shouldn't be causing a problem at all, so I don't think its that.
Try setting Full Page Caching to On - In all cases.
Try setting Full Page Caching to On - In all cases.
The response times are with ALL caching enabled
Your environment info indicates your Full Page Caching is "On - If blocks on the particular page allow it.".
There is another option below that for On - In all cases.
There is another option below that for On - In all cases.
Full page caching could be ignored if you are logged in as admin. Best to check times for general users, not admin.
Just to clarify - the server response times I gave are Time to First Byte.
One gotcha that leads to really bad response time is if the web server and database server do not reside on the same hardware. If every db request has to go across a network, that slows a site down massively. The same applies to any database driven cms, not just c5.
Thanks JohntheFish - both reside on the same server :(
That would be for static HTML or page cached. I'm not even sure Apache can achieve that with no pages to serve. :P
The only way you could get anywhere near that is with full page caching on (and working). Then typically on a real site you get 200-600 ms TTFB with a fast server. Without full page caching 600-1200 milliseconds (for 5.6) is usual and at least triple that for 5.7.
That would be for static HTML or page cached. I'm not even sure Apache can achieve that with no pages to serve. :P
The only way you could get anywhere near that is with full page caching on (and working). Then typically on a real site you get 200-600 ms TTFB with a fast server. Without full page caching 600-1200 milliseconds (for 5.6) is usual and at least triple that for 5.7.
Typo! 500ms
500ms makes much more sense:
You have the figures now from my own benchmarking. If 500ms is the only criteria then , in my opinion, getting full page caching (FPC) operating is the only way to get there (and will probably beat it). If it's a ball-park figure and FPC is not an option then 5.6 will get you most of the way but 5.7 will not in it's current form.
500ms makes much more sense:
You have the figures now from my own benchmarking. If 500ms is the only criteria then , in my opinion, getting full page caching (FPC) operating is the only way to get there (and will probably beat it). If it's a ball-park figure and FPC is not an option then 5.6 will get you most of the way but 5.7 will not in it's current form.
The only slow page seems to be the homepage? Remove some blocks in your page type or something and see if something makes it faster? The other pages load pretty fast on my side, so... not sure if it's the whole C5 installation having problems here!
can you optmise your images? I'm sure I just saw onethat is 420k plus another that was over 200k.
can you optmise your images? I'm sure I just saw onethat is 420k plus another that was over 200k.
that said your time to first byte on my test was over 2 seconds - something not right there...
if you test page
its a completely different story ttfb = .4 seconds. total page of 4.9 mb loads in under 2.5 seconds.
What blocks, plugins etc do you have in use on the homepage?
its a completely different story ttfb = .4 seconds. total page of 4.9 mb loads in under 2.5 seconds.
What blocks, plugins etc do you have in use on the homepage?