Getting started

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I bought a new theme for my concrete5 website. I wanted to update the look. How do I work on the website using the new theme but not getting rid of the old website until I'm done with the new theme? Is there a place to save it as I go? Thanks. Someone else started my first concrete5 themed website so I'm new to the beginning stages of one.

INTcommunications replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, where ever the theme is installed ( folder ) usually in the packages folder in the root. Make a copy of your theme -

Make your changes then switch back and fourth

This is good if you are only changing the look. If you are changing the actual on page stuff that is stored in mysql - you may need to have a local copy and do all your editing then move the site to your server. Just do a search for moving a site here and there is lots of info.
Good Luck
