Gibberish added to URL

Hi all,
On a godaddy based site that I am working on I turned on the Pretty URLs.

It works fine except when the page loads there is a bunch of gibberish
added to the URL

for example:http://website/category/page-name/#.Us2s-CSPvNc...

Is this due to an add-on?

Or I have Google's new analytics installed could that be taking it on?

Any suggestions are appreciated.

growlrooed replied on at Permalink Reply
I see concrete 5 put s the following script into the header:

var CCM_DISPATCHER_FILENAME = '/index.php';
var CCM_CID = 298;
var CCM_EDIT_MODE = false;
var CCM_ARRANGE_MODE = false;
var CCM_IMAGE_PATH = "/concrete/images";
var CCM_TOOLS_PATH = "/tools/required";
var CCM_BASE_URL = "";
var CCM_REL = "";

is this doing it?
growlrooed replied on at Permalink Reply
I figured it out:

GD "addthis" is placing this onto the URL.

Between them and and "shareThis" you'd think those clowns would learn how not to junk up people's sites and codes.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
if you look into the add this documentation you will find how to remove this. There is an option to include this to monitor your referrer traffic but it can simply be turned off...
growlrooed replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Yep Figured it out. It was a matter of turning true to false in the script: