Giving members different abilities and limitations by placing them into Groups

I would like to have certain users with limited access and certain users with greater access. I had a developer initially build the site and then it was transferred over to me. I notice that my account is an "Administrator" account which gives me editing power. I can add groups but I can't find how to edit the group's details.

Any help? Thanks in advance!

cannonf700 replied on at Permalink Reply
Start by going to Dashboard > Users and Groups > Groups (tab) and then name your new group, give it a small explanation and then add it.

Now, go to Dashboard > Sitewide Settings > Access (tab) and the second block down reads "Other Permissions" and click to modify other permissions. Then on the next page click the Add Group or User and add the new group you just made. Then you can assign specific permissions for that group.

Good Luck!
haddenjw replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! This is very helpful.

However, I've noticed I need to use the "define('PERMISSIONS_MODEL', 'advanced');" in order to allow further permissions.

First, is there a way to access the underlying html for website via dashboard?

Second, is there a way to make certain groups only allowed to see certain pages from the original site design? For example, a "common user" can see every page with every product, however a "wholesale buyer" can only see certain pages and certain product on each page?
