Global Scrapbook


Having a difficult time with the global scrapbook.

I have built a block in the global scrapbook. Go to the home page and copy from scrapbook into the block. If I try editing from their it states it is a global block. I go to all of the other pages and non of the pages are populated. Is this the proper method to publish that global scrapbook on all pages into that same block on every page?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Add it to the Page Defaults, then click on the block in Page Defaults and choose "Setup on Child Pages" from the popup menu. You'll have to do this for every different page type (because Page Defaults are on a per-page-type basis).

EDIT: To get to page defaults, go to Dashboard -> Pages and Themes -> Page Types, then click the "Defaults" button next to the page type.
surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Every one of these pages are full width. Shouldn't I be able to create the global scrapbook block and it populate on every page automatically?

Anyway , I will try your suggestion and see what happens.

Thanks for the help!

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
If you really want the block on every single page of that type, without any possibility of it being removed, you can hard-code the block in the template (instead of using Page Defaults as I described above) by putting this code into your template file:
<?php Block::getByName('Name of the block in the scrapbook')->display(); ?>
surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the advice. I really don't want to hard code it. My sitemap.xml went wonky today and kept working for over 4 hours. I finally removed it from jobs. Not sure but maybe this is part of the problem. I need to get the generate sitemapp back in jobs and get that straightened out and then I will see what I can do about the global scrapbook situation. I just wanted to use the global scrapbook feature as it was intended.

I do appreciate the help and suggestions.

surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply

I clicked best answer. Now if I can just get my sitemap.xml working again, I'll be in business.

Thanks again
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm fairly certain the sitemap job would have nothing to do with these global blocks (unless of course it works fine when you're not using the global blocks but fails otherwise).

Check out this thread to see how to diagnose the problem:
surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thx - I willo do just that!! Cheers
pixmonkey replied on at Permalink Reply
Try dumping the C5 cache after you have made the change.
surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Thanks Pix,

I got it all sorted already! I do appreciate the attempt to assist though

pixmonkey replied on at Permalink Reply
Good to hear. What did you end up doing to get it to work?