Google Authorship set up


Can anyone tell me how to set up Google Authorship on my site? I set up my Google+ account and added my website and website blog in the Contributor area. But it appears I have to do something on the site to connect the two.

Can anyone give me the procedure? It's not coming up easily in search. And so far I have only found clear instructions using WordPress.


irsah replied on at Permalink Reply
Hai Susan,

Strongly suggest you to update your c5 site to the latest build ( you're currently running on a 5.4.+ version. It helps us pin point the files required for customization. There's a great step by step guide for you to update an can be found in the how-to's section.

Anyway there are a couple of ways to connect your site with Google authorship.

Here's what we do on c5 version 5.5++ onwards:-

For single author/writer, you can (the easy way):

1. Add ur website URL in contributor section of G+ profile (DONE)

2. Edit your homepage properties header extra content attribute and add below code:-


in dashboard > system & settings > statistics section > tracking codes > add below code > select the " header " radio button > save setting:-

<link alt='Google+ Author' href='//' rel='author'/>

3, An active link from your blog page/s to your G+ profile can also trigger connection to search engine. The easy way, to automate for each blog page/s of yours, go to dashboard > scrapbook (c5 5.4)> select the area with sidewide settings (header, footer etc) > add a html block > now add these pieces of codes.

<a href='//' rel='author'>Your name as in Google+ profile</a>

Save block > save scrapbook. > preview your link in your blog pages.

4. Now check with Google Webmaster Tools (WMT) > grab a random blog URL of yours > in WMT structure data tool > insert the copied url > search > and it will display ur profile pix beside the sample search result generated.

Multiple users/writers/authors:-

There are couple of customizations to ur c5 blocks/pages/single pages to automate the multiple user feature ie the blog post written by section, users member page etc, that requires advance knowledge of html, php, some c5 how-to's and magic :-).

Hope it leads u to the right direction.

irsah inDesigns