google maps

Permalink 1 user found helpful
So I understand that there is an actual google maps block, but I was wondering why simply pasting code from google maps, in the iframe tags, doesn't work. It works if I add it in an html block, but I need to use the wysiwyg editor, and pasting the code in via the html course editor in the wysiwyg editor doesn't work. any suggestions?

LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
The editor is probably going to strip out the embed tags for your Google map by nature, and this really isn't something that concrete5 can fix.

My suggestions are to create two separate blocks, one using HTML to post your Google map, the other using the WYSIWYG editor to add your content.

If you need them side-by-side, you can use the Layouts feature to split your area.
ramrod42 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! actually yeah this is what I am doing right now, and it seems to work fine. So thank you!