GPS addon?

I am looking at building a site that tracks someone through gps on their phone and marks their location on a map.

Is there an addon for this?

PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
Is this something that would track in real-time, or would it be updated periodically (every few minutes or so)?

Also, what service would you use for the map (Google, Yahoo, etc.)?

I know there are some addons that post locations on maps, but I don't believe there is anything that works with a GPS.
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe that if you use the plain JavaScript geolocaiton (HTML5), it uses the phone's GPS if the user has allowed geolocation for the browser and I think most phones also confirm this from the user before doing the geolocation whether they want to allow that to that site specifically.

But once allowed, I think it uses the GPS of the phone (if available). But that also works pretty well on my laptop as well which does not have GPS, so I guess it's based on IP if GPS is not available.

Does not really answer to your question on whether there is any add-on for this because I don't believe there is. Just saying how to implement it.