Guided / Faceted / Layered Navigation - any ideas or feedback please!


I'm looking into using a guided / faceted / layered navigation for some of my sites that have a lot of content. If you're not sure what faceted navigation is then just think about the filter results options on amazon / ebay and even the right hand navigation on this forum. It's a great way of guiding the user through your site if you have a lot of content. At the moment it's still mostly used on ecommerce sites but there is a trend to use it on larger content sites too where a simple tree like navigation does not suffice.

So far scoring highest on my list of requirements is the Ajax search tools add-on by ChadStrat but ideally I would be looking for something more like this mod for opencart:

Any ideas how this could be done for C5? Any developer who'd like to have a go?

Looking forward to your feedback.



jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Konrad,

Is this something close to what you're hoping for?

Source Code Example:

It's a PHP app, using the Sphinx Search Engine. Are you a developer yourself? It can also be done using the Apache Solr Search Engine. Setting the above example was pretty painless, nice challenge to make it an add-on for C5.

Keep in touch if this was helpful,

sparkdigital replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Josh,

Many thanks for your reply - no, I'm not a developer myself so I'm not sure if this is what I'm looking for! Will this create a search based on tick boxes or on links as in the OC example?

A Concrete 5 add-on for this would be great so if any C5 developer would like to have a go then I would certainly be interested!


jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply
Don't worry, not trying to sell you my services. :-) Just here to help.

In the example they are just links, but they can be whatever you want them to be. Radio buttons, check boxes, images, custom jQuery controls, etc.. most of the tough work is done (so it seems, actual implementation could be a whole other deal). But really it just comes down to getting the search engine installed correctly on your host (Linux preferred) and go from there.

- Josh
jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply
I've already started work on it. Can you give me some details of what you'd like, options, etc...?

- Josh
mani729 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Josh,

am looking for some who could work on faceted search. let me if u are working on this as discussed above..

jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Mani,

I am currently working on this. Feel free to email here or if you have any specific requirements for it. I'm fairly close to finishing it, so it I can better implement any specific features.

jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you still want to look into developing a faceted search? I have a few examples here:

- Josh
Atreu replied on at Permalink Reply
I am also interested in developing a faceted search like the one Wordpress offers as a plugin. I have started work on using solr but am running into issues implementing. Could you let me know where I could find assistance in uploading and implementing solr with my host or if you think developing a faceted search would be beneficial. Such an exampled of this would be where you can "drill down" through subcategories on a search, or a dating site where you can refiune your search by certain characteristics (ie. sex, eye color, interests, etc...)

These are just some examples of the kind of thing I am looking for. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
Atreu replied on at Permalink Reply
Actually as I was looking around on the Dashboard inside C5, there is a search users function. Looking at this setup, this is almost what I am looking for myself. Being able to categorize all information queried by categories and subcategories. This would drill down to a set of results that the user is looking for. Just thought I would let you know. Thanks!
Atreu replied on at Permalink Reply
One other thing...(Sorry to bug you guys)...but the information that teh search will query will be limited to a set of profiles (user profiles). The goal is to search with a set of category selections a list of users. It will be a way of filtering the profiles by certain parameters. Ie. Finding a profile user who is "male", "6"", likes "video games" and works in "heavy industry". Each term being a static choice via select boxes or radio buttons (doesn't matter). There is no need for "matching" profile users, just a way to search a limited database. I will have to put all "profiles" in a seperate SQL DB likely for this to work as well. Thanks again.