Hard coded not seeing php file

I have hard coded a form (because I needed the choice of multiple recipients). However, when I test the form it does not link to the mailform.php file on the server and I get a 404 error.

Any ideas how to solve this?

My site:

bbeng89 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure how you have this set up, but in the past when I've had to hard-code a form I've always done it as a single page (though a separate page type would work as well). Then I added a controller with a method that handles the form submission. So for your example I would make a page at /single_pages/contact_us. Then make a controller at /controllers/contact_us. Now, in the controller you can add a function (an action) that will handle the form submission. So if the action was called submit it would look like:
class ContactUsController extends Controller {
    public function submit(){
        $email = $this->post('email_address');
        $name = $this->post('name');
        //... grab all fields
        //use concrete5 mail helper to send out email

So in that function you just grab all the fields from the POST and then you can use the concrete5 mail helper to send the email:http://www.concrete5.org/documentation/developers/helpers/mail/...

In your single page, in your form action you then can add a link to the submit action:
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $this->action('submit'); ?>">

And that will make sure the correct link is generated so that the form is submitted to the submit() action in the controller.

Hope that helps!