Hardcode a custom contact form

Basically like the title says, I have a contact form that I need to have appear on most of my site's pages. I'm trying to get it hardcoded into one of the page types.

I've been able to get the "autonav" block implemented in the past after wrestling with it some, but I still don't really understand the syntax or the logic involved. The issue of hardcoding blocks into your site's template has been rather tough to find good walkthroughs on.

Anyone have some experience doing it or know of a good universal tutorial for this?

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
With version 5.5 and above I would just create a stack with the form and then hardcode the stack into the design. On the few pages where you do not need it I would just create a secondary page type without the Stack coded in.
nosfan1019 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok I'll give that a try. Thanks for the help!