Hardcoded HTML/CSS Nav lInk problems

I am in the beginning stages of my first website with Concrete 5. I have the pages all created and the css the way I want it. I would like to leave my header navigation alone as hardcoded html/css. When I am at the "home" page ( .../bakery/index.php/) links to my other pages work just fine and appear like ( .../bakery/index.php/about) for instance. All links to other pages work fine from the index page. If I go to the about page and try and use my custom nav to go anywhere else, I can't get there. I have modified the paths/URLs in sitemap to include version like "/about/ & index.php/about" for each page and I have tried every combination of link in the actual html portion of the default.php file.

When I attempt to use the navigation from the about page for example, it wants to send me to (.../bakery/index.php/about/contact/) or (.../bakery/index.php/about/index.php/contact/) depending on what link I use in the html.

Without creating templates or additional pages etc., is there a simple solution like a line of PHP (not Header_Nav with a custom css style) that I can wrap the HTML is that always links to pages using the canonical link plus the page?

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe you are looking for:
   $bt = BlockType::getByHandle('autonav');
   $bt->controller->displayPages = 'top_level';
   $bt->controller->orderBy = 'display_asc';

This would replace your navigation area with a hardcoded version.
