Header in greek yogurt

Hi, I'm working on a site using the greek yogurt theme and I can't seem to figure out how to figure out how to move the header image all the way to the top of the page. Ideally I'd like to have the black bar at the top gone and to have the header image moved all the way up. Any ideas?


planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Check your typography.css line 13 padding. Maybe put it to 0px? Right now it is set to padding-top: 55px;
Dexrop replied on at Permalink Reply
How would I go about doing that?
planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you have access to the actual files for the site? Like through a control panel or FTP or something like that?
Dexrop replied on at Permalink Reply
No I don't. I'm guessing I should probably do that first?
planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, for this case, you will need access to edit the actual css files.
Dexrop replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah I just got access to it
planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
First things first:

What is the location of the greek_yogurt theme you are using?

Should be 1 of 2 places:


Dexrop replied on at Permalink Reply
It's root/concrete/themes
planist1 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Ok, well you are going to want to do the following:

1. copy the folder root/concrete/themes/greek_yogurt to root/themes/greek_yogurt.
2. rename the root/themes/greek_yogurt to something like root/themes/my_greek_yogurt
3. edit the root/themes/my_greek_yogurt/description.txt file and change the content from "Greek Yogurt
An elegant theme for concrete5." to maybe "My Greek Yogurt
An elegant theme for concrete5." and then save the file.
4. edit the root/themes/my_greek_yogurt/typography.css file and change line 13 from:
div#main-container #header {
   padding-top: 55px;

div#main-container #header {
   padding-top: 0px;

and then save the file.

5. then log in to your concrete5 site, go to Dashboard, Themes.
6. look for the new theme you created call My Greek Yogurt.
7. Install the theme
8. Activate the theme
9. Go to Dashboard, Systems & Settings, Clear Cache and clear the cache.
10. Done.
Dexrop replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! That worked perfectly! Thanks for the quick reply and all the help
planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Glad to help. :)
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
In the "main.css" file, edit the following line as follows:

div#main-container #header-image {
margin-top: -55px;

This should move it to the top, getting rid of that extra space.
Dexrop replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks but that didn't seem to work