Header meta elements for a responsive design

Hello C5 community. I just recently got through my first html to C5 template job, I must say I was impressed with the thorough documentation and ease of implementation. I'm sure my client will share my enthusiasm when he gets the invoice that's been significantly reduced.

My question is in regards to the meta tags in the header. Mine appear to have been stripped by C5. it is important that I slip:
<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="True">
<meta name="MobileOptimized" content="320">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">

into the <head> in order to prompt devices to behave correctly and allow the content to crunch. I have them in my elements > header.php file however when I view the source code on the live site these meta tags have been removed. Is there anything I can do to force these to stay?

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't believe concrete5 will do any stripping of anything from a template. Anything you put in your header.php file should be output to the browser, even if it's just rubbish.

So I'd suggest that you haven't edited the correct header.php file or you could be viewing an older cached version - try clearing the cache both in concrete5 and in your browser.
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi There, are you certain that the tags are being put into the header.php of the page you are viewing? to clarify, your homepage may use an include called, for example "home_header.php" and your sub pages may use "header.php" just a thought.
BryanSalva replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for all the replies. I looked at it again today with fresh eyes. It turned out it had been overwritten in one of the more recent pushes (I use git for versioning)but only in one file.

It always seems to be the simplest issues that slip past you.

I could see adding these to a header include file as long as it isn't overwritten in updates. Even though the calls are theme specific they apply to every page. I do have some page specific javascript that definitely needs to be hard-coded into the template header file.