Help me find some information about certain concrete5 syntax

Hello, I'm new to concrete5 and I want to ask you for help to find resources to learn certain things. I googled but only found some descriptions which wasn't really what I was looking for. Here is what I'm looking:

1. Could you send me some links where I could learn how to use mySql queries with concrete5 helpers?
2. I'm also looking for description on how to use AJAX with conrete5.
3. Where can I find all information about concrete helper libraries? for example if I wanted to create a block where you can choose from file manager images? which functions do I have to use?
4. And the last one, I want to learn how to make add.php menu where you can add one form, and if you need second form you can click button and it creates second form, in other words I want to learn how to make a block where you can put as many inputs as you want.

If someone could help me find this information, I would be very grateful.

NamelessHero replied on at Permalink Reply
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
NamelessHero replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you sir John!