Help! My page won't load on mobile devices!
I'm not that good at html. I've tried reading what advice other people have gotten when their page didn't work on mobile devices, but I was clueless on the process on how to fix it. Does anyone know how I could fix my page so that it can be seen on mobile devices? It's at: It shows perfectly on computers but when I put the page url on on mobile device, it shows my background theme and states that the page cannot be found. It even has a link that states 'back to home' or something of that sort, but if you click it, it still doesn't bring you to the site. I really need this fixed. Please help me! I tried talking to bluehost but they stated it was on the Weebly side and they couldn't do it from their end. Help!!!!
I was able to replicate your issue. It seems like your site may be trying to load a mobile version that doesn't exist.
This may be caused by your mobile theme setting. Here is a link to an article I did on this, I recommend checking the setting:
I hope this helps,