Help? "No stacks can be added to this area." for all areas ... why?


I'm not sure what happened, stacks had been working fine. Then one day I get "No stacks can be added to this area." message when trying to add a stack to an area.

Does anyone have an idea how to trouble shoot this? I tried kicking the computer but it didn't help.

:) Thanks

MrNiceGaius replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay, I was drunk again at the helm :) I had only Global Areas which appear ( clearly labeled ) in the stacks menu. I hadn't actually created any stacks ( or at least I deleted the ones that were there ) and so of course the message is going to say "no stacks can be added to this area" b/c I didn't have any stacks to add! duh and doh haha Maybe the message could say "No stacks have been created" when that is the case...

Just saying, for someone so smart they're dumb (like me) they might take that message so literally that they think there is something wrong with their template areas not having the ability to have stacks added to them.

wow, hopefully this is useful ... at least for a laugh :)
TooqInc replied on at Permalink Reply
I indeed did laugh. Thanks for that.
I've been there before too.
pmarques replied on at Permalink Reply
I have also struggled with that.. that message really should be changed.